CHEN Keren
Non-executive Director

Aged 59, has been a Non-executive Director of the Company since October 2021.

Ms Chen has over 30 years of experience in legal and corporate services. She worked at an international law firm Sinclair Roche & Temperley’s London office from September 1988 to February 1994, and its Hong Kong office from March 1994. She remained as a partner of the firm until February 1998. Ms Chen has been with the Kerry Group since March 1998.  She is now the group co-general counsel, company secretary and director of corporate services of Kerry Group Limited (“KGL”). KGL is one of the controlling shareholders of the Company.

Ms Chen obtained a bachelor’s degree in law from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom in July 1987. She is a qualified solicitor in Hong Kong and England and Wales.

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