Kerry Logistics Network Wins Pioneering Award for ESG Disclosure Contribution <br> at the HKQAA Hong Kong Green and Sustainability Contribution Awards 2023
at the HKQAA Hong Kong Green and Sustainability Contribution Awards 2023
2023-08-25 Hong Kong
Kerry Logistics Network Limited (‘Kerry Logistics Network’, ‘KLN’; Stock Code 0636.HK) is pleased to be conferred the Pioneering Award for ESG Disclosure Contribution by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (‘HKQAA’) Hong Kong Green and Sustainability Contribution Awards 2023 (the ‘Awards’) for its outstanding performance and disclosure on climate risk management and other ESG matters.
Ellis Cheng, Executive Director and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee of Kerry Logistics Network, said, “We are delighted that our commitment to ESG and our advances in sustainability reporting have been recognised by the HKQAA. Over the years, KLN has made considerable efforts to integrate sustainability into our growth strategy, as we believe improving data collection and reporting would allow more educated decisions from our management team, and more constructive feedback from the communities we serve. Looking ahead, we look forward to upholding the highest reporting standard, setting an example for others and making the world a better place.”
Inaugurated by the HKQAA, the Awards aim to drive sustainable development and nurture a green economy. In particular, KLN was commended for its effort in integrating key elements of climate-related risks into its governance, strategy, risk management, and targets, along with its comprehensive climate-related ESG disclosure that follows the guidance and framework of international organisations and local regulators.
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